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Fluor Application

Fluor Application

What is Local Fluoride (Fluoride) Application?


Fluoride is a natural compound that strengthens tooth enamel, disrupts the structure of decay-causing bacteria, and prevents mineral loss from tooth enamel due to acid attacks after meals. Local fluoride application is a preventive treatment that involves the application of a high-level fluoride-containing preparation in gel form to the tooth surfaces with a brush.


Does My Child Need Fluoride Application?


The necessity and frequency of fluoride treatment are determined based on factors such as the child's age, the number of cavities, the risk of new cavities, and dietary habits during the examination by the pediatric dentist.


Is Fluoride Application Safe?


Fluoride application performed under clinic conditions and regularly is completely safe and its protective effect has been scientifically proven.


What is the Purpose of Fluoride Application?


The aim is to strengthen tooth structure by reinforcing enamel with fluoride, making it more resistant to decay.


Which Teeth Receive Fluoride Application?


Fluoride gel application is applied to all surfaces of all teeth.


Is Fluoride Gel Chemical, Are There Any Side Effects?


When applied correctly, there are no side effects.


How Long is Fluoride Gel Application Effective?


Fluoride gel application is effective for 4 to 6 months depending on the cavity risk group of your child. It needs to be repeated at the end of these periods. Thus, after a certain period, the necessary amount of fluoride will be stored for every new group of teeth.


How is Fluoride Application Done?


In fluoride gel application, fluoride preparations specially prepared are applied to saliva-free tooth surfaces with the help of a special brush.


How Long Does Fluoride Application Take?


Fluoride application is a simple preventive treatment that takes approximately 5 minutes.


What Should Be Considered After Fluoride Gel Application?


No eating or drinking should be done for 1 hour after application. Milk and dairy products should not be consumed for 24 hours, including ice cream and chocolate.


What Happens if Dairy Products are Consumed?


The effect of the application weakens. It does not harm your child.


What Happens if We Don't Get Fluoride Application?


You miss out on a preventive treatment that protects against cavities and strengthens tooth structure.


Article Author: Pediatric Dentist Neşve Kayabaşoğlu

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